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4 ways to create newly designed spaces with existing items

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

The pandemic has created a need to rearrange, redecorate and redo spaces as many of us sit confined to our home spaces. Its only natural that we feel the need to refresh our home environments for work purpose or to alleviate stress. Today walk with me through easy and practical ways to change up your living space using your existing furniture and adding new and inexpensive pieces.


The easiest way to make the most impact on any environment is to rearrange the furniture in the room. Often times your the way a space is set up can drastically affect the mood and the function of it. If you have help move a large peace from one side of the room to another. Change the direction of a piece. Turn that chair to the right instead of the left. Float that couch in the middle of the room or turn it to face the window. Now here is the disclaimer: always consider how much space you have in the room to work with.


A great way to refresh a space is to change the color. You can paint the walls, add wallpaper, replace the rugs with an extra one from another space in the home, change any florals in the room from a garden, accessories or pillows. These items are small but can make a major impact on the design of the space.


Artwork can make or break a space and just about anything counts as artwork these days. Photos, quotes, prints or fabric can all be used as pieces of art. You can make series of smaller items framed in a more creative way. Consider adding large pieces of art as a statement piece that you may have in storage or a friend may not want anymore.


Consider taking away items that are out of date, put fresh cut flowers as a centerpiece, rearrange those books on that shelf, adding some new accessories to the environment from other rooms.

Whatever you decide to do to change your environment, make it fun and meaningful to you. These changes can be grand and the cost minimal to none. Until next time this has been your design concierge.........Ava KIrkland

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